Thor 3

Kat Dennings at the THOR premiere
While watching Thor a[f]ter a bowl, my shirt seemed to have disappeared, somehow.
"Bunny" by award-winning character designer Michael Kutsche (Alice in Wonderland,
Natalie Portman - Thor
Jamie Alexander at Thor: Dark World Premiere
[Request] Jaimie Alexander from Thor
It's ridiculous scenes like this that keep me reading comics (Thor #1) [SPOILERS].
Sexy Thor Bjornsson and his cute teammate, Magnusson.
Elf murder has never looked so good (Thor #7)
Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. Here's my Hammer...Thor me maybe?
By Thor's hammer this is a perfect ass
Natalie Portman (Jane Foster of Thor)
Forget Thor. He looks more like Trigon from Teen Titans to me
Blindspot and Thor star Jamie Alexander at age 19 (?)
I am Thor
[The Mighty Thor #5] Well, there goes the last 4 years of Loki's character development
[Leaked] [Scoop] Beta Ray Bill concept art for Thor: Ragnarok
Female Thor will kick your butt
Fierce Hitomi with Thor
Hulk was enchanted by Amora's beauty [Avengers, Marvel, Hulk, Thor]
New MvC Infinite behind the scenes image of Thor.
Miss Thor
Katheryn Winnick - Thor [OC]
Preview for upcoming artworks by THOR
Another SoV Thor Teaser, Whitewings and Celica
Lianna getting plowed (THOR)
Amelia, Corrin, Tana, and Elise (and more!) to be included in the upcoming FE Heroes
[MIGHTY THOR #700] A surprise appearance from (SPOILERS)!
[REQUEST] Hela (Cate Blanchett) in Thor
Celica’s capture (THOR) [Fire Emblem]
Update to THOR's Brainwashed Princess and Fellows is out (feat. Spring Kagero, Spring
OC Viola Fucks, Marries, Kills the Avengers - Marries Thor (NeroXLIV)[Avengers]
Incoming update to THOR’s Heroines and Fellows Disciplined and Corrupted ft. Micaiah,
Next update to THOR’s Heroines and Fellows Disciplined and Corrupted HCG album
Preview of THOR's upcoming FEH HCG album feat. Sharena, Lyn, Eir, and Fjorm
Update to THOR’s Summoners Toy with Heroes?! album is out feat. Azura: Vallite
With Thor’s hammer around her neck.
The new Thor movie poster is looking tight!
Fed by Erik Thor Sandberg
[Mighty Thor Vol 1 3] Lady Sif
Elincia (THOR) Nude Edit
Femme thor
Hela (ReroRero) [Thor Ragnarok]
Battle suit Jill ready to serve (THOR, Deep rising)
Hela, (NordFantasy) [Thor / Marvel]