Um Um Um

um.. well.. BOOBIES I guess!
um....I don't know
Um ok, I think we should all draw the line somewhere
Um..it [f]ell?
 "um, ... could you please pull down your panties?"
Um... yes.
Um, did you drop this?
um, Roll Tide?
Um...I don't think that will be necessary.
Um....House Keeping..?
Um, honey, I hate to break it to ya, but you've got more than just a little dab in
Um, sure?
Um, Goodwill that isn't a back massager...
Um... wow
Um... Does this work as wood polish?
um.... nice couch?
"Um, should we go in and help her, now, maybe?"
Um so what do you guys think? (kinda been feeling more comfortable with who I am)
Um.. I don't even... How disturbing.
Um, perfect?
Um... Oops I licked it.
um....the girl on the right?
Um... Nice Bench
"Um...Like this?"
Um, injectedontits?
Um... puppies? I guess?
Um, Miley Cyrus has a strapon
Um, nice to see you again too, sis.
Um cake?
Um.... you're doing it wrong.
Um... I just wanted you know know that this is like my new favorite pony ever
Um bocado des[f]ocada
Um, no thanks
Um, Happy Easter and a quick PSA: Get those veggies in you!
Um yeah..
Um hey its me again ??
Um I wasn't expecting you to NOT mind getting caught! . .
Um crime ediondo foi cometido galera, eu não sei o que fazer
um...Hi! I'm new here! <3 xo
Um... excuse me sir? May I join you in bed tonight? (My cam in my acc0unt)
Um Jammer [Ami]™, coming soon to the Playstation! (Prismacretin)
Um, is this seat taken ?????[F]
Um I know we usually do it the other way round, but can I be the dom tonight? ??
um hi, sorry if you weren't expecting this on our hike..
Um....Yummy :). Buy me more.
Um, anyone got a dickins for me?
Um, anyone got a dickins for me?