Interesting Shit

I used to think weird shit like this was interesting,
Looks like she turned the other cheek NSFW
It's some Kafkaesque shit but I really envy that praying mantis. (if you are interested
Simulation of two planets colliding
Plan A: Play Dead... Plan B: Bye!
Cross section of a traditional Japanese sword & different blade compositions
A modern way to mend broken bones
Baby in an amniotic sack
The Speed of Light In Real Time
An astronaut can get stuck in position if they are not near anything to grab onto,
? close up of a humpback whale
Hubless motorcycle with an airplane engine built by retired F1 driver
A Black Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa)
How a bat pees
Making brass dice
Soldier ants and soldier termites in a stand off while their respective trails pass.
Hundred year old San Francisco streetcar footage
Cardiac Cycle
1920’s magazine conversion for single shot
? Blue-tongue skink takes first breath
A high kick
The Statue of Liberty in Paris in 1886 before oxidation (colorized photo)
The Top 100 Countries With the Tallest Buildings, all ranked by the tallest building
Holy shit guys, I'm so overwhelmed by all the love you showed me yesterday!!? Thank
The city of Venice from above.
Haven’t seen this posted here yet ( I may have missed it ) This phenomenal documentary