Amazon Gift

[Gifted] FatNerdGuy - Have fun! xx Debauchery Fairy
[GIFTED] VKTI, because science.
[Gifted] captainalana NSFW chain contest :)
[Gifted] GeorgeDouglasMcFly - Happy Halloween! ;)
[Gifted]Awkwardlittleturtle 3nd place in NSFW Flash contest.
[Gifted] glanmiregirl quasi-randomly
[Gifted] Cellophane_Girl. Because reasons. [NSFW]
[Gifted] random roll, cupcakegiraffe--the reviews were great, hope you like it :)
[Gifted] PinkBuffalo. These look useful.
[Gifted] EmeryXCI for winning my PAYDAY! contest! Enjoy!
[Gifted] pony_hawk. I guess you're getting mp3s today.
[Gifted] thewonandonly. Sorry about your vase. From 0hfuck, qwil & qizi
[Gifted] Sieberella. Gotta catch 'em all?
[Gifted] chemcalfarmr -- Something you really talked about wanting. Thank you for
[Gifted] 0hfuck. From thewonandonly & qizi
[GIFTED] From my NSFW Contest. Cupcake_Kat is the winner!!
[Gifted] winner of my nsfw book contest via random number picked by RQ0.... rosie__
[Gifted] Draco_Dormiens -- I'm drunk. I also know how much you want this. You've
[Gifted] Tiger_Lily_x3 the other big winner from my nsfw contest! Thanks for adding
[Gifted] ssj4cage, third winner of my "Who wants to win some games?" contest
[Gifted] /u/Luckystar812 for... well I couldn't resist.
[Gifted] to Mishiiee for also winning my NSFW "This one time, at band camp"
[Gifted] to Yokuo for winning my NSFW "This one time, at band camp" contest!
[Gifted] ihaveplansthatday, because you're amazing :)
[Gifted] /u/dragonflyjen something NSFW because frisky.
[Gifted] /u/LaLocaChristina for being summoned in my "To the Gifters go the
[Gifted] BQJJ for winning my NSFW contest. Hope you enjoy :)
[Gifted] For Tomics! (Does this count as NSFW?? :P)
[Gifted] Get, Get Your Freak On! Winner of my NSFW Contest!
[Gifted] bunnysoup.
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[gifted] a couple people from my NSFW contest
[Gifted] rbasov, for a great NSFW joke!
[Gifted] /u/Tetchy for winning the Ruin My Recommendations contest. Enjoy your bat.
[Gifted] /u/HamsterFarm for winning my NSFW contest!
[Gifted] Pixelationnation for my NSFW contest
[Gifted] I just wanted to send unsolicited dicks
[Gifted] TheOneTrueLala i guess i make you horny too
[Gifted] hatedheadspace you make me horny too
[gifted] transplantedreality you get some tiny dick
[Gifted] Yokuo for mad libs.. (story inside..soon)
[GIFTED] Armchairjedi66, Cuz awesome wives and daughters! Also, Dinos, poop, princess
[Gifted] Pengaween a SFW item, to be used in a NSFW manner
[Gifted] adiposehysteria, for my [NSFW] contest... with added NSFW funnies...
[Gifted] Jonesno11 a lighter thing? NSFW
[Gifted] sunshineNfundip some candies
[Gifted] MrsHouse19 The NSFW Fairy strikes again!
[Gifted] LoverOLife Because tails are cute.
Got the new iPhone 11 and am dying to do CUSTOMS this week. $100= 10-12 minute custom
[Gifted] sunshinenfundip. Read into this what you will ;) ♥
[Gifted] Potentialpeach NSFW
[Gifted] The Imperial guard wears red right?
[Gifted] trophywife1031, im glad i could give you a little head
[Gifted] u/Grindelwalds_Bitch can never really have to much
[Gifted] /u/dalenakitty Encouragement contest winner!