And Said

She was (f)lattered and said I could post another.  This is one of my favorites :)
I told my friend about Photobombing, so he showed me one of his holiday photos and
My playmate sent me this pic o[f] her big tits and said I could share
[f] hubby took this and said to post it. What do you think?
When I pushed her aside and said "Let me show you how it's done" she was
Daddy saw your responses and said he would love it I(f) I took requests from you
{f}or those of you who saw my pussy and said they wanted to see it in action, well
My gf posts here and said I could use her for karma because I don't have any. (F)
When I commented and said it was pretty douchey to put her sister on blast like that
My lady did her nails and said I could share :) if you enjoy, she'll make it a regular
She put her foot on my lap and said "worship them"
I showed my (f)riend this picture and said I have DSL. What does that mean?
Wife is deployed at the moment. She sent me these and said I could share. Hope you
So BDP deleted my post and said it was porn... (sorry for bad quality, webcam @ night)
My husband apologizes for losing the remote and said you can watch me until he returns
Rory liked these pictures and said gw would like them too! here goes! (f)
FWB is Jamaican. She found this on tumblr and said it reminded her of me.
The Pope has come out and said that only 2 per cent of Catholic priests are paedophiles.
First time sharing a pic of my sexy af wife. Sent me this one this morning and said
My husband snapped a pic of my dick and said I should share ;)
My Wife called me into the bathroom last night and said, "I spilled some lotion
If I texted you this pic and said nothing else what would you do? Pms welcome
After the comments from the last post my wife (34F) gave me a target and said to
My neighbour took this and said I should share it.
GF opened and said "what a big surprise!"
A friend browses this sub and said she liked the idea of masquerade... so here you
She laughed and said "I HAVE to get a pic of this!"
When the young guy at the beach fucked my wife so good she came home and said she's
A family member once saw my cock and said it's big... I wanna know what you think...
She sent me this right be[F]ore her shower and said "you better be ready by
When I told her "they want to see it spread," my wife blushed and said
[f] The people spoke and said they wanted a new nude, how about a pussy pic
My Friend has a blood kink and said to post this
Daddy bought me a new stuffie and said I should share!
She really didn't think I would fail she actually laughed when I did and said okay
POV: I lied and said I had an out of town meeting, but ended up sleeping in your
When I pointed out that Maddie's leggings gave her a camel toe, she just giggled
Husband caught me in the shower and said you might like it - thoughts?
Then he laughed and said sure snapchat marklelady64
I ate it and said thank you like a good girl
This guy messaged me a pick of his dick and said he wanted me because his girlfriend
A rose saw another rose and said, "How's it growing?"