
Adjusting my lace-up thigh highs
She's dressed in black again
But oh, what can you do when she's dressed in black?
Still with tulips II
Still with tulips III
TBT - Liquidized emotion, water takes you in, deep with the ocean
Still with tulip III
None-dress and heels
Spine twisting
That toepoint tho
They're one of my favorites!
That smirk tho
That smile tho
Black and white back and butt
Black robe
Black robe - a little closer
Black robe - loosening the strings
Black robe - loosening more strings
Black robe - to the left
Black robe - the end
TBT - black waist cincher
Red chemise - took off the choker
TBT - Ha, this is a similar view as my new post. Serendipity!
Red chemise - lying down
Red chemise - the end
Red, white and... black
Fishnets and wait, what's this?
White tank
Have to get the other side too!
White tank - stretching out
Apparently it's World Lipstick Day, so here's me in red
New sports bra
Ass kicking boots
Tartan socks
A little late posting, forgive me?
Solar eclipse is over, here's a little full moon ;)
Eep, this may be about as comfortable taking pics "outside" as I get
BWS - Pulling on the strings ;)
BWS - Chewing on my dress close-up
TBT - Just the Black Waist Cincher
Licking the spoon clean
Something something it's Wednesday, here's my butt ;)
A sight to blur your open eyes
unlikely pose