
Boobs & Brown (decided to pierce my nips as well) :) [NSFW]
Did I get it right...?
Dope (not so much) porn!
dope porn [NSFW]
Anyone up for some dope porn? [NSFW] ;)
Refill day!!!
A banana. A piece of BTH for scale.
The most beautiful rainbow.
scumbag detox
My last dope porn ever(:
Pill porn
You can't stay in here all day dreaming about heroin and Ziggy Pop
This meerkat is one of us
Buying In Bulk
I haven't posted dope porn in a while - hope y'all enjoy ;) [NSFW]
The most addictive game on my tablet: flappy perk.
Restless and sober
You know why they call it a royale with cheese? The metric system.
This got me good enough that it took me 2 hours just to upload the picture and make
MFW I do a FAT shot ;;;@;(right now)
"My roommate is a vet. Here's one of her patients on tranquilizer." (x-post
Happy Sunday Funday
Today is a good day. (Dope & Pill Pr0n)
Nodding out is a dangerous game
"Model" of blood vessels in a human body [xpost /r/redditdayof]
My withdrawl aid.
living in the UK has it's perks; this is otc, 600mg of codeine
I think my I'm going to like my back dr.
I know, I know... At least I had sub.
So that's what my night bike ride got me... That's only what I could fit into my
"Hey man can I have an Altoid?" "Err...not from this tin!"
My dude tells me he's got "a little something" for me for being such a
Here's to a relaxing Sunday
Counting down the hours til my girlfriend's home from work so we can go pick up some
I came home to this where by dope should have been.
Aint this the truth.
My "stamp collection" (including my first bag ever, from over five years
Skin has a glow after getting clean.
The Trifecta!! My idea of a perfect rainy sunday night
Found in /r/wtf...
Haven't seen these on here yet so I'll post. Zohydro 30mg
Pill porn
Found this on /r/trashy, thought it also belongs here
I'm installing Life Alert systems in an old folks home. I went into one of their
This bitch on tumblr jacked my picture from one of my last posts. Idk why but this
When you have the coolest dealer ever.
It's finally happened. The two greatest junkie snacks have merged into one. Morpheus
Think M2K and fans may appreciate this
I feel for the peeps in places with no exchanges
Some Pill Porn
Finally got my Christmas refill. A few of you requested some pill porn. Semi-nudity
Great Advil alternative!!
Dope Porn + My girls Booty pics just for you guys.
Well weLL wellllll.... Hello little friendlies.