
Comments welcome.
What do you think? ;)
Take a seat on (m)e?
Sit n spin?
Flippity flippity at my desk
Its cold here in the south. Keep me warm
I didn't even know this sub existed. Gimme points for my dick please!
Was told to post here, what do you think?
I call him dynamite
Am I good enough? Comments and pms welcome
Another angle of my little guy
Rate (m)e?
Was told I should post here, hope I -fit- in ;)
First time posting here
Sure, I will try here :) from last month or so. Comments and pm's encouraged and
A little self conscious. Tell me what you think. Be honest.
Will you help me out of these jeans?
I was told to post here (semi hard, sorry for the quality) rate?
Was told to share here
Was told to post here, do I belong? Pm's welcome
Dear buzz lightyear
What do you think of my thick cock?
Do you like?
(M)inding my own business
Would you like a taste?
Fun times ibn the office ;-)
Letting loose
Hope you like pm me
Ride this?
Who's ready to eat?
Any ladies love this view?
Taking the longboat to tuna town
Commence fucking
new here
Huge fucking dick
Place throat here:
Add tacokako on skype.
Might aswell post another one here!
(M)y workout day
My cock
How is it girls?
Ra(m)ming speed
A quickie at work
For my friend /u/rp_fantasy
(M)orning wood
Bored this Sunday night
I get pretty horny late at night...
Some light reading, PMs welcome
Horny as fuck.. I need to put my cock in someone and soon!
make it shoot
Good morning ;) pm for my kik
(M)y dick need relief. Can anyone help