
[F]rom a photo shoot. (Post-op trans woman, to be up front)
Rebecca Linares post op
"Hole saw" vs. Thumb: 2 Weeks Post-Op
Just 2 weeks post op. I'm still very swollen, but I was wondering how it looks &
It's my Surgi-versary! Exactly 1 year post op with Dr. Garramone (photos)
2 weeks post op photo! NSFW
In spite of negative comments, here's a little over 72 hours post op! Feeling amazing!
One day post op!
three days post-op and over the moon
First shower after getting drains out. 10 days post-op
Coming up on 4 months post-op
10 days post-op photos and thoughts
2 days post op- feeling good!
2 months post-op now, think I'm doing okay now
5 hours (?) Post Op!
4 Days Post-Op
3 months post op, one of the best decisions of my life.
5 day post-op comparison wearing camis, ~3lb tissue removed
Before and After 2 weeks post op (notes in comments)
[NSFW] One week post op.
NSFW 10 weeks post-op, hard to see the differences but the more I look the more I
Another video of me playing with myself ?.. 6 months post op ❤️
NSFW Just had my orchiectomy today. Here is my post op clit
A message to everyone in early post-op, for the love of God and all that is holy
[OC] My mom 5 days Post-Op from knee replacement surgery