Thor 3

Lady Thor
If this hadn't happened by the end of the arc, I would have been disappointed (minor
Malekith scares me (Thor: God of Thunder #14)
Jaimie Alexander, Thor the dark world premiere - [SIC]
Odin sure as Hel doesn't sound like a cuddly father [Thor: God of Thunder #15]
Not my best by [f]ar but this is me as of current as I chill in my room and watch
[3FM] Thor
Toni Darling as Lady Thor with Knightengale.
Who wants to grip my Thor hammer?
[SPOILERS] I think they messed up with Thor in this panel
Yes, it's me posting late tonight! Thor's wi[f]e xoxoxo Don't be afraid to say what
And so with that, Thor hurled his mug to the floor and proceeded to exclaim in his
Wait, Thor has a new hammer now? (New Avengers #27)
Fat thor at it again. PMs welcome.
[From Thor #2] This sequence was much more effective at sending a message than that
Jaimie Alexander in Thor 2 - The Dark World
Just Thor
Who doesn't love Thor? [F]
Who doesn't love Thor [F]
[F] Corrin in bondage [Thor]
I love me some Thor [F]
Loki shows the new Thor her place
Happy Thors day
Jamie Alexander ("Sif" in the Thor films)
Found at a hostel in Edinburgh... Thor's part-time job
Aysha X as Valkyrie from Thor Ragnarok
Just saw Thor and Tessa Thompson is ruling my fucking world right now
Like Thor’s hammock
Guildmarm mating with a Kecha Wacha (THOR) [Monster Hunter]
Drop your hammer like Thor and shake it till it’s sore I want penises galore in
Genderbent Thor (Flowerxl)
2018 NYC Comicon Thor. Anyone know who he is or if he's got an instagram?
Update to THOR’s Summoners Toy with Heroes?! HCG album featuring Gunnthra, Laegjarn,
I’ve watched Thor 100 times and I never realized how hot Jaimie Alexander (Sif)
After watching the new Avengers trailer all I want see now is Thor smash Scarjo and
More Thor + SG
Storm wielding Stormcaster [Thors 3 Keown Variant Cover]
Goddess Zienna Williams has a Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir) necklace
Satania with the might of thor
[Video in Comments] Thor a XXX Parody Gender Swap
Is it Thor? No, it jutht tickleth a little.
When your forearm is comparable to a statue of Thor
Hela blowbang (34-san) [Thor: Ragnarok]
Hela blowbang (34-san) [Thor: Ragnarok]
Enchantress' Beauty [Thor (1966) #493]
Ivana Cherry Kiss as She Thor
Where's Thor's hammer?
Spirit of The Jewel [Thor (1998) #48]