A Friend!!!!

Friends have said if Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal had a child, it'd be me.
Friends holding hands
Friend just made this his profile picture.
Friend posted a vacation pic of herself and her dog on Facebook...
Friend of mine found a bomb in work today ! (light NSFW) - Album on Imgur
Friend is visiting Thailand and tried to explain to this girl why her bracelets aren't
Friend added a photo to FB, then this happened
Friend just uploaded this to facebook...
Friend left Sony today. Got this gift. Slightly NSFW.
Friends and I were celebrating Christmas when a stray dog came into the back yard.
Friend is visiting Thailand
Friend sent me this. It's a keeper!
Friends and I visited Banff, Alberta this weekend.
Friends bartender in Mesa, AZ last night
'Friend points' shuffled that night.
Friend's wedding photo as seen on Facebook
Friends Over
Friends laying down.
Friend pulled her top off
Friend Rolled His Ankle Playing Basketball
Friend's baby burping session yilded...well, a result anyway
Friend saw this, fits right in this subreddit.
Friends kissing
Friends in the Kitchen
Friend has chickens and found this brown, spongy, blob like thing in the coop. She
"Friend" I met not even 2 weeks ago messaged me asking to borrow my car
Friends having a good time
Friend of mine got bitten by a dog
Friends: what are you doing to pass the time, during the quarantine? My Brain: Posting
friendly reminder: I'm the.mikiblue on instagram
Friends who laugh together...
Friends share everything
Friends Revealing Their Moneymakers
Friends mom took my daddys bbc and his friends Im looking for a partner follow the
Friends mom took my daddys bbc and his friends Im looking for a partner follow the
Friends having some fun
friends playing together
Friends having fun