
Occasionally, those retards at 4chan produce a work of genius. Ladies and gentlemen
Real Men of Genius...
My friend is a mad genius: "The best Amon theory, everyone else go home."
Zombie Preparation Level: Genius
Brb, shitting my pants here guys (whoever made this is a genius)
iTunes genius... Wait what?
dougal the genius
I am a Sickly Genius.....or possibly a moron. Either way I feel like shit.
I dont know if I hate you or think your a genius.
comedic genius nick swardson inspired me to teach a friend not to fall asleep drunk
This guy was a genius /NSFW
Christmas card photos + shots of fireball = naked genius outcome. (NSFW)
Could the geniuses of this subreddit morph this picture?
u/gnostic_cat is a r/photoshopbattles genius.
Don't know if this is genius or immature (NSFW-ish? Maybe if you work at a church)
My friend Jasmine may be sick in the head... Or perhaps she's a genius. NSFW DRAWING
Evil Geniuses release their 2014 Sponsor Brochure
Rap genius explains Bo Burnham's 'Oh Bo'. NSFW
A bunch of Irish lads doing the 12 pubs dressed as a selection box! Absolute genius!
I wanna make an appointment at the Genius Bar and show up with this [FIXED]
Not sure if genius or mad
Can any of you geniuses get something from this Asian cutie?
My racist friends genius in action
I think i just found a comical genius on youtube
My friend, the genius
Sharpies Marketing Genius?
Only for geniuses with good eyes
A legal genius with no sexuality
Can you spot (m)y Genius Pipe?
Real baggage handlers of genius
Musical geniuses Johanna & Klara of First Aid Kit is two incredibly beautiful
(M)y stroke of genius
The "Genius" Of The Deep State
I honestly thought this was genius
I honestly thought this was genius
Suicidal genius
Philosophy/genius and quantum physics geek /lets talk about quantum leaping and the