Is The Shit

This is what I imagine Hercules' shit would look like.  Those are 8" spoons,
Found this statue in the Boston Commons my Freshman year. Am I the only one who thinks
There is no escape from the Daleks! OH SHIT, she found the stairs.
"Under the boardwalk is a magical place, man, I have a special place in my heart
I don't give a shit *what* Joshua says, *this* is what made the walls come tumbling
He's peeing on her face. But hey! that's modern sex, right? All good feminists are
"When the love is true, no shit can put it apart"
It always bugged for me and I know others (considering how many people at the battery
One is letting the bat shit crazy show a little too much.
Oh shit, is my hand in the way? [F]un by popular demand. Pms please lock proportions
As shit as /r/pics is let us not forget the "last bastion of free speech"
Holy shit, Donald Trump is evil: "They should be sent back... we have to send
Of all the weird shit in my basement, this is my favorite! (F19)
That shit is ripe for the picking
This is my soliloquy, iller than the illest beat, I will spit the illest shit from
Watching her man get tired of her shit and fucking her up the ass is my favorite
I'm probably going to regret this in the morning. Oh shit, it IS morning!
If you recognize who that is on his face, you're into the same sick shit I am
LTC is shitting the bed today, but your complements are helping take the sting away
Sometimes I think we've found every great bride post on the Internet, and weird shit
(M).ask me if i give af yo shit ain't black and white ether is it???????????bitch
I get banned from a sub for saying CNN is biased, call the mod a pussy, get muted,
(F) Sorry for the quality, my phone takes shit photos in the dark :/ This is my first
Fat and shameless, you just know this disgusting tub of shit is going to eat the
I hate how this is one of the few places I can post nudes without my life choices
To help with all the sadness that was the 2018 season, here is a list of NSFW stripper
Can the title be shit if the picture is good enough? ???
Self esteem has been shit lately. This sub is helping me find the beauty in my itty
People who have gauged ears get shit on by people on the internet all the time, but
Psst, UK TV star Rachel Riley is a piece of shit. Pass it on. She reTweets people
19 [M4R] Let's chat about a world where we have the License to have sex with anyone,
I love watching the reaction go from "is that it?" to "holy shit!"
as someone from the Midwest, a beach is so cool. but to beach residents, they could
There is literally nothing more shitty than a dude having multiple sessions and then
F/23/5'0" [220lbs > 127lbs = 93lbs] I struggled with binge eating and
Mods, Sort This Sub Out. It’s Gone To Shit. It’s Not For Dick Pics. It’s For
Browsing this sub is like mining in a cave Full of bat shit and I mostly get the
Who got the rest of her shit and tryna trade dont comment if you dont already know
My self-esteem is probably the lowest it's ever been. I'm 28. Never had sexual contact
Been sick the past couple of days and taking it easy today. I'll be back on that
They taking his little ass down! 9yr old gang banger getting a taste of justice!
[MF] The bartender is probably so fucking done with this shit at this point. (nowandlater)