Starcraft 2

What it's like as zerg when you don't notice the timing push until its 1/2 way there
Artosis' REAL job.....(slightly nsfw)
I'll call in my buddy Puma and he'll Ace that shit.
This Scion TC has been "autotuned". (Improved for nerd-ballers)
Tyrador Keep looks like... [NFSW]
QXC spotted drunk at MLG (slightly NSFW)
My twisted representation of DongRaeGu's name...
3 rax agression
During my trip to Europe i encountered A. Real. Life. NEXUS.
Not all players are created equal
Boxer is an ordinary boy, he's shy
SlayerSDragon having some fun [NSFW]
All I Wanted To Seeā€¦
Dongrageu? [NSFW]
Never thought this would happen. Bronze to diamond in a year!
This is how Protoss gateway armies should engage Terran MMM [MarineKingPrime vs TL.Hero@WCGro32grA]
HuK's desktop is almost as interesting as his play
and just when I was starting to become a fan....
Cannot unsee (IPL Scoreboards)(NSFW)
IPL3 wrapup
Camera guy falls of stage. Someone please make this a gif.
I will recreate the most upvoted StarCraftII sign idea, and will carry it at MLGProvidence
Sean's new avatar...
Who else thinks Destiny should be on EVERY State of 
the Game?
Destiny clears up any confusion for us:
Queen of Drones [NSFW?]
So I was watching some of Husky's videos today...
[NSFW] I think my Girlfriend is gonna leave me for Tasteless...
Me after seeing Dreamhack Stage #2 Groups
MC. Boss Toss.
(NSFW-ish) Destiny really likes Mia Rose
Watching the adult channel when all of a sudden
the MOST awkward BM everrrrrrrr.
Sooo funny must read!
Thanks Mr. Bitter, now I can't unsee the vagina in this map. NSFW
The Plan
So true
meanwhile on the HSC IV TwitchTV Chat...
Since everyone else is digging up old posts of Day[9] on TL, I thought I'd go lurking
Sweet Delicious Victory
"wtf you aren't zerg?"
Best advice for anyone switching from Zerg to another race.
Europe vs America, who would win ?
Millenium Stephano - nice google image search company (NSFW-ish)
Watching oGsNaDa's Stream when suddenly....(NSFW?)
Aiur just got 3G! Warping into other worlds just got easier!
Sort of what I think...maybe a little NSFW
What Quantic Destiny does in his spare time....(kinda NSFW)
Europe vs North America
After the Baneling Funday Monday...
When you screenshot lag without looking at your other monitor [NSFW]
Remember Rachel, moderation! even if it is your birthday <3 NSFW
Sometimes the small things matter.
So they announced a film about Nerchio's IEM group