
>.< ... I should not be allowed to go on GW+ when horny ... I upvote
>The only clop allowed is Braeburn/BigMac
>tittle goes here<
>MFW the dictatorial theocracy of bj goes private
>mfw this is a thing already
>Cap in charge of paying bills
>be Ryback (NSFW) (x-post from /r/4chan)
>mfw 1 MIRRIOOON mod comments in every post.
>MFW I want to be a mod and this is my application/resume pls respond allioz
>tfw i am the mod with mostest karmas but no permissions
>typical follower of the atheist religion
>mfw Allio and Eagles banned from HCF for outjuking foogoots
>mon viasge qwon someone downethans me
>mfw i get upethans
>Guy tells me he uses Windows 8 mfw
>where did all these shitposts come from
>mfw a girl says she had sex before
\>"Gee anon, you really have that much power? How much does being the
>mfw /u/ltsmiles wants mod
>"Hey babe, my friend Tyrone is coming over later after you go to work.
>tfw no shirt sorry guys :'(
>the girlfriend jew
>tfw lemon key face
>using cameras in 2014
>mfw kravemind performs live
>mfw i get shut down by machel obama ( new cory in the house meme )
>there are people who actually think birds matter
>MRW someone near me thinks birds matter
>tfw you're too scared to click the image
>mfw nagho
>tfw can't melt steel beams
> when [i]ntolerable eats his own aghs v3
>mfw there a dank may may at TWL
Gt code
>mfw my real name becomes my slave name, Day 2
>mfw they tell me where the thermometer goes
> tfw nobody will ever run to you with such excitement
>36< a side view
>Not wanting to hold her tighter as she begins to squirm
>tfw it's still not your time to shine
>normies actually defend this
>when you're such a shameless fatty that you get a tattoo of a waffle sandwich
>E3 [Isabelle] (Newd)
> Guy Burnett, Counterpart S02E03
> Guy Burnett, Counterpart S02E03
,.>Just woke up!!
>when you've been a good girl for 32 days but you sneeze...