He Dying

Ramin Karimloo is a Testicular Cancer awareness ad. He is currently playing the Phantom
(spoiler) Joesph didn't die he just went MIA
About a week ago, for no reason, this rash started around the waist and igrated down.
"For he hath died for our sins." -Cage 12:19
Whoever this guy is, he's going to die.
I got Mister to give me a Christmas present early! It's a new friend! He's so fluffy
[SPOILERS] Just realized this vulture was waiting for Finn to die so that he could
bet he's been dying to say that to her for a long time.
My daddy hydroplaned today. He's fine, just shaken up. Today is also the day my brother
friends wife...he's dying to share her. she's a cheater too!
#NSFW OP knows who gang raped you! Police don't believe you and OP's not going to
For those whose Reddit front page only shows NSFW content, David Bowie died, here
This Guys Must Died for Oxygen if he stayed more then a minutes ..
Thoughts? He's dying to be touched! PMs and Kiks welcome!
10 years ago today, Steve Irwin died doing what he loved.
kahayes has just died :( will he recover?
This liberal died the way he wanted, having his mom drop every single tendie in the
I do t know if this is the right place, but harass the shit outta this asshole. He.
King Henry II of France is mortally wounded by the Count of Montgomery during a joust
My wife's boyfriend died when his weiner exploded from high testosterone. My wife
My dog Babu dying inside (literally) as he watches his crush get crushed outside
Repost since reddit died the [F]irst ti[m]e. Hope he cums back.
One day, a strange portal opened in front of Goblin Slayer. From it, came cries and
Bosco the fire dog honored as he’s dying of cancer
Some time ago i took care of a sick hedgehog i found in daylight. After treatment
When I used the possession spell on my best friends mom it had all been fun and games.
"Happy New Year!" Midnight. Adriana's client promptly stood up, dropped
me suddenly getting into running in an effort to become my most ideal self™️
LF Mono Source: A man that survived having three sabers shoved into his chest shouldn't
When your buddy is reading "HP & The Half-Blood Prince" to you
I was happy when my father died. Not only because we inherited his wealth, but because
My S/M Razor just came in today and I'm dying to try that knot! Also, he's soo shimmery