It Opinion

Need opinions before it all co[M]es off.
I really don't like my butt. :( It'd be nice i[f] I could have your opinion
Reddit, please always get a second opinion if you feel your doctor isn't hearing
Honest rating/opinions? Go on, I can take it. :P
Now think, females, if this is soft..what's it like hard? Curious what girl's opinion
I know it's not the best but I would love an opinion :)
Can I get an honest opinion cause I think it is a bit small
While I'm partial to the fellas, it's always nice to get a ladies opinion ;)
Second time. Let's see if it sticks. Opinions appreciated. :) /m/
Honest opinions please - is it to small?
First time. Been told it's nice. Trying to get more opinions.
I was told I should start docking with it. Thoughts, opinions?
Does it look okey?thanks for opinions<3
This is [ F ] it ,comment plz, need opinions...
[GFE] [FET] [OTH] The weekend is almost over. Savour the last of it with this busty
Ladies, opinion on how it pokes through my boxers?
not massive, i know, but it's pretty and rock hard. any opinions on that?
Some people say it's bad to have a big head...PM me your opinion. Starting to sneak
I want your opinions! (is this a pencil dick, or is it average?)
I need opinions! Shave, or keep it hairy?
A girlfriend put me up with this. Says it's "beautiful". Let's see your
My boyfriend asked for opinion on his dick. Do you guys think it's nice? He's pretty
M/31/5'11"/165 In this post I'm asking everyone's opinion on body hair. I trim
18f opinions on body what is it's type
well, it's my dick. opinions?
Thoughts? Wife likes it, but I want a community opinion.
First time jerking it to a pic of friends. Couldn't decide which one was more worth
Rate this thing I've never gotten opinions on it
Probably the only good picture I've ever taken of it, in my opinion anyways
28M/5'10"/245lbs recently lost 25 pounds but have always been really insecure
What's your opinion on it?
Learning to accept that the body isn’t what it use to be after hitting the big
My chubby. I know its not the prettiest, but at least it is quite large! Opinions?
A little know fact, Boy Maxx was in our 3rd Issue where he wrote a opinion piece.
(F) Rate my butt (1-10) people never see this much of it (skin) but always compliment
Love hearing opinions on it
How do you guys like my beach outfit for the day? It's pretty safe in my opinion
M(29) I worked really hard on myself this past year, was wondering opinions of it
What does it say about the world that this is the only place I know I can get an
Insecure about the size...my gf says it's perfect though. Opinions pls
freshly shaved .. is it good enough for you? what's your opinion?.. pms open
My exgirlfriend told me i have a beautifull cock, but i am not sure if she just said
Time for a late night bath ?. Trying not to trim or shave because I know it’s only
I was told that stockings and lingerie had to be always the same color. I think that