
MFW I accidentally click on a NSFW link from r/WTF
MFW I got banned and modded and then unbanned and demodded
MFW I find true love. Legalize inter-planar marriage!
MFW eating 50 grams of soy protein every day [NSFW]
MFW Ron Paul literal(le) gives me the confidence to talk to girls (AMA) (SHE HAD
MFW i join a second life or imvu chat room (sorta nsfw)
mfw look at deeeeez uptards (NSFW) (Woman's face)
MFW I see a big-booty honey with too much junk in the trunk - Darude by Sandstorm
MfW A friend gets in to Dripping
mfw braveryjerk is brave again
MFW Sub-ohm Dry Hit
MFW: i hit a dripper for the first time today {X-POST r/reactiongifs}
mfw I am euphoric because of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and his glorious blessings
mfw esplin
MFW People post the ohms on their build
MFW I pull a new deadlift PR but forget to film it, so it doesn't count.
MFW I come back to BJ and this isn't the top post of all time
MFW using weakpots IRC
MFW I realize I can post as much as I want and you can't stop me without wasting
MFW I find out Nuckols is younger than me.
MFW monday
MFW watchin Cory in the House
mfw when hammy band turns up and it actually seems to reduce the pain from my hip
MFW Seven days
MFW Steven Bombs have me emotionally drained
MFW Jet fuel can't melt dank memes
mfw Cory in da house fuck callie
mfw dual stickies
MFW i browse /r/opiates
mfw pepe header and banner
MFW I try to put my phone in my pocket but my dick makes that impossible
MFW her cock is bigger than mine
MFW I get called a clod.
MFW in an intense state of self-loathing.
mfw http://i.imgur.com/IgoxB4X.gif
MFW I need some green to take the edge off the speed comedown before morning class
MFW you can [redacted] a post so it won't show as long as it doesn't say [redacted]
mfw /r/soccer likes me
mfw he let's me know I'm his property
MFW I hear about another terrorist attack
MFW I'm a sexus warrior and someone asks me which iPhone I'm using
MFW I play scout in mvm xDD
MFW only one ambassador was killed
MFW I have the Gene
Mfw new rules. NSFW
MFW I'm coming to terms with how fat I got and only having a single serving of pizza
MFW I'm eating a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos
MFW someone is crazy enough to give me a conditional offer
mfw I get banned from the R6 subreddit for critizing ubisofts approach to toxic behaviour
MFW I remember that no matter what I do I'll never be a real woman and I'll never
MFW party wiped
Mfw you fill me with cum ?? Who wants to fill me first? ?
Mfw when mom gives me NOT chicken nuggets and celeste.
Mfw my old rich husband dies unexpectedly ??
Mfw my old rich husband dies unexpectedly ??
MFW you send a tribute without being told ??