
[Spoiler] Minor animation error in the new episodes
My tattoo artist is doing a minor cover up for a gentleman's small lower back tattoo.
A somewhat minor episode change
Did anyone notice the return of Egghead Dash? (MINOR SPOILERS)
Mother of Dragons by Michael Komarck. Minor NSFW. Semi spoiler [AGOT].
Borrowed Wings, artist unknown (OH MY GOD THE FEELS) [MINOR S3 FINALE SPOILERS]
I used to think Captain Cold was a lame Mr Freeze rip-off. Then I read Blackest Night.
My favorite moment from Superior Spider-Man #11. (Possibly minor spoilers)
As an Astronomy minor...I really love this trend of putting galaxy print on everything
I am the only one who loves this part? [Minor Spoiler]
[S4E2(minor spoiler)] Pod having a deja vu...
[Spoilers] I am in the minority...
They earned it [Minor Spoilers]
After a minor freak out over a mean comment, Peggy Sue is back again
Batman has great chinballs (Batman #38) [Minor Spoilers]
The Joker is a creepy bastard (Batman #39 minor-spoilers)
Deadpool is kind of a badass (Deadpool #43) [Minor Spoilers]
Christina Hendricks' plots cause minor earthquakes in Beggars & Choosers
How did it take me so long to start watching this show? (Minor AOS season 1 spoiler?)
SHAME (Minor Game of Thrones Spoiler)
Introducing the latest houseguest! [Minor spoilers]
Truer words have never been spoken (Deadly Class #14) [Minor Spoilers]
What's the Most Minor Infraction You'd Punish Her For? [Dad/Daughter][BDSM]
Just killed my first legendary enemy. Not sure what I expected (very minor spoiler)
Christmas Break Priorities (minor spoilers)
[Very minor spoilers] Kevin Smith was wrong.
Alright, which one of you is this? (Very minor NXT Spoiler)
My favorite subtle joke from The Flash... (Minor S02E16 Spoilers, I guess...)
[Spoilers] Extremely Minor Gripe with 2x21/2x22 (More of a Nitpick...Kind of Funny)
So Empire City Has Terrible Broadway Productions Too [Minor Same Old World Spoilers]
I HATE when people cheat at minority bingo
[NXT Takeover Minor Spoilers] "Fix the Apron" Chants
In case you're wondering why democrats spend so much time promoting minority interests
Last night's RAW's attendance was deleted? (Minor RAW Spoilers)
A minor threesome misunderstanding
Went to my [f]irst minor league game tonight!
Corrin by Boris [Minor edit] [Uncensored]
A [f]ew minor adjustments
Having some minor spacing issues
A minor adjustment
*Very* Unexpected Fort Minor (mild NSFW?)
A Minor Malfunction
The Price of a Minor Slip-Up (@Kibunzart)
A Minor Tragedy If The Face Didn't Match The Body
thinking about my minor pandemic weight gain and how I went up in bra sizes, my breasts