My Shits

My friend drunk-texted me saying "Japanese animated porns da shit!!"  Thought
Pegging is my favorite sport
shit, lost my train of thought...
My response to andysonic1 telling us to tag our shit
My computers are into some weird shit!
My dog talks shit.
Shit, I hate it when I forget my keys...
My friend had a mouthful last night. And I always thought this shit was staged...
My friend posts some real shit
My bf(f)l Reggie just talked shit...
My cat gives 0 shits about what you stack ontop of him [Ex-post from r/aww]
My (F)antasy ? You're gorgeous, kind, hot, funny, and I miss the shit outta of you
My only pair of tights. And holy shit are they TIGHT!!
My Photoshop teacher told me this was shit. I told him to shut up.
Shit my wife sends at work
My buddy just moved out. Im gonna miss that little shit.
My wife was having a wild night out with a friend in a photo booth at a local bar.
"My guy's got this new shit. It's a bit pricy but it's FIRE"
Shit ass day... I love coming on here and seeing everyone's positive posts and reading
My guy just came through with the purest shit ever
My name is /u/tulainman and I'm a piece of shit
shit. my room is messy
Shit day but at least my boobs look good
My keep it movin shit (f)
My step-sister has been shit-talking white guys of late, so I had to set her straight
My Simplest Shit Be More Pivotal [F]
My husband frequents this subreddit often. Would you fuck me? Be honest, he seems
Shit I [f]orgot my bra ;) Can you tell?
shit, I left my fucking towel (actually lol)
My pretty little shit (f)or you to eat
Shit post, but I think my soul died a little
My shadow going wilder than me... That's some Peter Pan shit right there
My wife couldn't give less of a shit that she comes home to this. So maybe 'this'...
My girl bent over looking for a lighter. I saw the perfect opportunity and took this
Shit day, would really like [F]or someone to get my mind off it, I will post more
My mates 24 year old fucking stunning bird on a girls holiday to Ibiza. Bet he was
my camera quality is shit :(
My dog had diarrhea while I was at work. Everything in her kennel was soaked in shit,
My coworker annoys the shit of out me, but I forgive her
My wife let herself go to shit
My hand writing is shit
My sister is a lesbian, this is her girlfriend. Holy shit.
My friend Keke let me pay her cash to watch her take a shit!
My husband doesnt know shit about reddit. I'm looking for a partner, follow the instructions
My kind of performance art - woman shits her pants on stage and shows everyone.
My older sister was studying Black Magic and Hypnosis. I told her that shit would
Shit. I forgot my mask!
My Feelings About Hector Neris After Years of This Shit