Random Acts

[Gifted] to trdragonclaw18, the winner of my Dream Big contest! (NSFW)
[THANKS] Thank you!!! to ??? for the wonderful gifts!!  I love them!  Now I'll have
[Thanks] Erazure for the pretty toy! (nsfw)
[gifted] homeallday gift 8 of 8. Manny let me buy the last gift for you with my little
[Gifted] FredWampy You Won The LOL/NSFW Music Video Contest With - Tenacious D
[Thanks] fallingshoes and ? for the bag and bracelet. Now I'm ready for a day out
[Gifted] (Kaemii) It never ends. Envelopes lying in the dirt. Plastic hanging off
[Gifted] The war may be over, but the resistance lives on. ¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN!
[Gifted] beckyrcr, because I liked your reaction to winning bicarb's contest. Welcome
[Gifted] UndergroundPhoenix - thanks for being such a great friend to everyone in
[Gifted] knifeywifey. I couldn't decide on a color, sorry.
[GIFTED] OneGreatSham because you love great art, great poetry, and that's all I
[gifted] NSFW contest winner. Always happy to encourage kink!
[Gifted] xaffinityx from my NSFW Birthday Edition Contest. I hope you enjoy.
[Gifted] pony_hawk. Get down, get down.
[Gifted] GrtNPwrfulOz. Something something pickles.
[Thanks] Pin_up_zombie for the Magic card! I can't wait to screw over my opponents
[Gifted] neongreenpurple & starkidpuff for winning the Labor Day raffle contest!
[Gifted] JoeandAlice. Welcome to RAOA! Now you can really feel like a true member.
[Gifted] DasKruth. Welcome to RAOA! This is the longest short book I've ever read.
[Gifted] Varasque for gifting last, and because I've yet to do so
[Gifted] the two last users to gift: vitaminsnap and howweird7125
[Gifted] theredditorswife. Welcome to RAOA!
[Thanks] pony_hawk for the neti pot, and vanillawafercaper for the neti salt! I'm
[Gifted] bdh008, second winner of my "Who wants to win some games?" contest
[Gifted] Draco_Dormiens from my NSFW contest because.
[Gifted] uraniumcatfish, 4th winner of my "Who wants to win some games?"
[Gifted] NJBilbo a whole lotta Dick.
[Gifted] cujo420, last to gift--at the time, because holy crap this is moving so
[Thanks] lemonsky and Alligator_Pie for the guitar picks and string winder/cutter!
[THANKS] Mystery gifter for the lovely unmentionables! They're quite soft and very
[Gifted] watsoned, for being responsible. ;p
[Thanks] Tandem7 for Borderlands 2! I finally have some time to play it today! YAYY!
[Thanks] AWildMattAppeared for the COOLEST new sweatshirt. [Caution: Boob in Picture]
[Thanks] allergictoapples for the mp3! Gonna listen to this all day!
[Gifted] NSFW "-ish" Merry Christmas /u/0hfuck!
[Gifted] NSFW - KittenAnne. Be careful with it!
[Thanks] Tragopanic, for the Sonic Classic Collection! Good ol' nostalgia...
[Gifted] /u/unicorndanceparty as one of the winners from my NSFW contest...enjoy
[Thanks] fuckmeblind for the *adorable* toy (nsfw)
[Gifted] /u/Draco_Dormiens something naughty from my NSFW contest
[Thanks] alanbeforetime for the earbuds! I've been using them every night!
[Gifted] wee-pixie, hopefully it'll arrive by Friday for your birthday!
[Thanks] showurnuts for the Sharpies. This is why I need so many. NSFW
[Thanks] NSFW Not sure who you are but thanks for thinking about me! ;P
[Thanks] Tandem7, for the Gamecube controller! I hope my opponents feel lucky!
[THANKS] purebredginger! It's fantastic!
[Thanks]! I feel so bad, because I remember the gifted post... I don't remember who
[Gifted] lalalalady22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
[Thanks] to whatever beautiful person bought me this AWESOME Queens of the Stone
[Gifted] BuffHagen. I hope this is shiny enough.
[Thanks] to the ever so generous/u/mynthe for the cocktastic colouring book!
[Thanks] for the weenie!
[Gifted] NSFW SkySnatch a toy!
[Gifted] u/redwidow1992, just because ?