This Funny

This is why I need to go to bed right now
This can only end well (NSFW)
This is why Jamacians don't mind being paid $5/hr to help tourists mount a horse...
This is a good view(nsfw).
This helped me get along with a lot of my co-workers. Possibly NSFW
this shit is NSFL!
This is what they call..... wood.
This is what I get for buying sex toys online
This is just great. [NSFW]
This is the breast mouse I've ever seen!
This might be a repost, but I was randomly typing 5 letter words at the end of imgur
This comic always makes me laugh.
This made my day
This Offer Looks Legit !
This looks real safe
This guy just had a realization.....
This is what happens when I use Photo Booth.
This is what happens at the University of Minnesota when it snows (NSFW snowmen)
This is what happens when you give college students a bottle holder...(slightly NSFW)
This pussy is about to get plowed (nsfw)
This bitch knows what's up.
This is Why I love Brazil. [Slightly nsfw]
This would make a lovely centerpiece. (NSFW)
This came into my Facebook news feed... (x-post r/WTF)
This is how I feel anytime I click on a NSFW post that isn't tagged because of nudity.
This is all I ever did with my Texas Instrument calculator (possible NSFW)
This is how my mom puts reminders on her phone
This was seriously a thing in my residence hall at my university. Slightly NSFW
This contains a lot of graphic images(NSFW)
This guy won best costume at the party I went to by a cockslide. NSFW
This is MY online dating in a nutshell.
This never happens when I take a piss
This is the cake my 18 year old nephew was given at his party.
This is why Bing is making a cumback [NSFW]
This is my friend's baby bunny Peanut. He's too cute for words.
This is me post-surgery last summer.
This is the pic my drunk wife sent me yesterday. NSFW
This is what my roommate decided to draw on the fridge while I was asleep.
This sweet, wholesome calendar is hanging on the wall in my grandmother's kitchen.
This is what happens when you leave your curling iron on a chair and sit down...
This is a pic from a shopping app I have. I'm not even sure what to say.....
This was left in my friends new apartment. Worst he wouldn't sell it to me.
This showed up on my friends Instagram feed today... When you see it... [NSFW]
This chocolate is the tits
This pepper seems to have a quite the package
This is my relationship... [NSFW]
This is what happens when you blindfold your girlfriend!
This one was hanging in the men's restroom
This proves that sports are NSFW
This confirms my suspicions that Microsoft has been trying to fuck us for a long
This Instagram Page....
This fuckin guy
This chicks comment... [NSFW]
This guy makes G.I. Jo look like a soft cock (NSFW)
This guy trying to sell his mirror...?
This cookbook (found while browsing Amazon)
This Comment [NSFW]
This light switch cover in one of my customer's restrooms.
This thread about a dog running through and breaking a glass door
This juicy, juicy kiwi - NSFW