Black People

NSFW - Racist Swedish Blames Black People For Stealing Bikes.
First ti[m]e. I think there's a lack of black people here.
The reason black people traditionally smoke kools
Them black people
I finally figured out why black people are always saying this to each other
I need to move to England. So few black people would be nice
Why Super Mario doesn't have Black people in it.
How many black people does it take to change a lightbulb?
<--- A Group of Black People. I'm definitely going to hell for this one, guys,
Representation of the racial tension between some police officers and black people
What's the deal with black people
A book all black people should read
When your black people instincts trigger out of place
If black people were white
It's nice to see Black people Twitter is in solidarity over the recent Chicago kidnapping.
LOL, Black people! (x post from r/meirl)
Dear Black People
Do black people go to heaven?
"Socialism is cancer for black people"