
Among all the references I love how the developers are even referencing player events
When my scholar friend told me came across a tonberry, I had no idea it would be
Use "Arm of the destroyer" behind someone's wind up aldgoat, they said...
If you remember the movie "True Lies" and Ah-nuld, you'll love this 2.2
I love these quests.
This crate in particular made my night just that much worse...
[SPOILER] Glad to see Rowena thinks the same way too....
(SPOILER) News travel fast - rumors galore
So apparently you can't dismiss a friend request during a cutscene; this really undermined
Letter from the Producer LIVE slides/base information. Feel free to discuss!
Awesome Heavensward Trailer Wallpapers! 1920x1080!
There's a lot of hate for Lalafells lately due to recent events, but don't forget...
DRK Weapons!! [SPOILER]
The Mounts & Minions coming in 3.0
(extreme spoiler alert) concept art teased a main story battle that has not been
[Spoilers] Bravo, SE: the feels were real.
The sheer scale of Alexander. [Minor Spoilers]
This mage seems pretty on the ball...
[Possible Spoiler] I knew I was tall, but this is a tad overboard.
Thats right, I been waiting for this day [SPOILERS]
Every time I see this, I want to cry...the feels.
Stargate!? Where is SG-1!
Never trust a Lalafell.
So when can I wield this?
Is this because I finished the MSQ?
Allagan Ruins in the Aery, what does it meeeaaaan
Character is a wee bit Golbez-y
[NSFW] mixing my RL job with my char... good combo! (Fan art)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ WHM STAFF BEST STAFF༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
My feelings after completing the Vault for the first time...
I think we can all agree with Knee Soken
(SPOILERS) "The Rising" Primal Hint
The quote for this new Wind-Up minion crashes my heart
This little speech sounded familiar...
[MSQ Spoilers] SE loves to rub it in.
[Heavensward Spoilers] You're still here to protect me.
[Spoilers] Some of the new NPC dialogue at the Rising Stones
Too soon, FC, too soon.
[SPOILERS 3.0] Went to visit a certain place for the first time in a while. Found
Familiar scene from FF4 (DRK50 quest spoiler)
Why it's hard for me to take the story seriously sometimes.
Au Ra couple
You want to know where your pebbles are!?
[spoilers] Okay, I have to admit, this is probably my favorite cutscene moment out
[Minor 3.3 MSQ spoilers] Infirmary wallpaper
Someone gave me an idea with the new large pond
WHM with completed Deep Dungeon weapon - seems to have a fitting name (Deep Dungeon
[OC] The Azure Dragoon by Kina (me)
"I know where Red and Yellow are when they're not in-costume ... but where is
{possible spoiler] I thought this shot of Cyr would make a perfect reaction image
Once in awhile, I visit this place again. Just me alone this time.
I'm trying to avoid Heaveansward spoilers, but I think Alphinaud disagrees with my
New AST cards from benchmark (names in comments)