Bernie Sanders

WOW ep1C! DAE know that le Bernie Hitler Sanders 1885 dank senior quote was "no
Pepe and Bernie 'the dank meme' sanders nude pictures [NSFW][2DANK4ME]
I'll be voting for Bernie "Dank Memes" Sanders!
Video of Bernie "The Dentist" Sanders when MLK the Lion got shot [NSFW/L]
TIL Bernie "Berenstein Bears" Sanders has interesting viewpoints on the
I had sex with "Le God" Bernie "Mr. UpBernie Me" Sanders!! AMA
[NSFW][NSFL][18+] SHOCKING FOOTAGE from Bernie 'Bust The Bankers' Sanders SEX TAPE
Gif of Bernie "drops berns" Sanders punching a woman out in cold blood
[NSFW/L] Bernie "the dankmaster" Sander's secret emails
TIL the myth that everyone swallows 7 spiders a year in their sleep used to be true,
TIL John Cena is a direct descendent of Bernie "The Bees" Sanders. Here's
TIL Justin Trudeau travelled back to the future to collaboarate on schematics for
NSFW TIL Bernie "The Kid" Sanders was said to have "The Dankest Memes