
TIL That Elektra's appearance was based off of the female bodybuilder Lisa Lyon [NSFW]
The new Daredevil villain is absolutely amazing looking (Spoilers for Daredevil #25)
Namor's diplomatic skills (NSFW language) (Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 issue 08)
You're an ass, Constantine. (Justice League Dark #20)
And the award for best line of dialogue in comics this week goes to Roy Harper! (Red
My favorite moment from Superior Spider-Man #11. (Possibly minor spoilers)
I let my girlfriend cut up some of my old comics. She made these awesome refrigerator
Superman doesn't like a potty mouth. [Batman and Superman #2]
Guess what's back, bitches? [Aquaman #23]
I can't think of a title for this right now, but I love it. (Li'l Gotham #18)
This had to be the result of one of the best scenes so far... (Injustice #36)
Listen Scott... (Wolverine and the X-Men #14)
Call of Duty: Bass Fishing. (Loki: Agent of Asgard #1)
"Disney Princess" (All-New X-Men #23)
The opening page of the most recent Deadpool is an homage to a very famous movie
Every Peter Parker Team-up for the foreseeable future (Superior Spider-man #31)
Magneto is looking pretty bad ass these days NSFW POSSIBLE SPOILERS (X-Men: No more
Probably the most embarrassing death possible [Spoilers Swamp Thing #32]
Anyone else prefer Earth 2 Superman's costume? (Batman/Superman #12)
Apparently Thor is so unworthy now, He turned into 1990s Aquaman.
A lot of people dislike having Tony be mixed in with Hulk's origin, but I thought
Rocket Racoon has the best sound effects. [Spoilers Rocket Racoon #2]
OH SHIT SON. (Batman Beyond 2.0 #29)
[SPOILERS] No words needed [New Avengers #23]
I love seeing the new portrayal of Hawkeye in other comics [Daredevil v4 #7]
Together again (Batgirl: Futures End #1)
Ellis' Moon Knight Says The Coolest Shit. [HEAVY SPOILERS Moon Knight #1-6]
Who's on first? [Deadpool's Art of War #1]
Once they see me... they know its over (Deathstroke #1 2014)
[The Boys #1][NSFW] I like to read comic books on my daily commute where others tend
[SPOILER] What a brutal way to kill someone (Uncanny X-Force #33)
[Excerpt] The moment when you realise, that Harley Quinn is not crazy - she is seriously
Marvel vs Capcom Spidey in Spider-Verse #2 (x-post from r/spiderman)
Gee Loki, that's some heavy stuff. (Loki: Agent of Asgard #10)
Sex Criminals #10 is asking the important questions
[SPOILERS] Fantastic Four Age of Ultron Tie-in - What really matters
Why you don't buy burritos at a coffee shop. (ASM Special #1)
In Their Final Minutes, Two Gods Laughed. (New Avengers #32)
Excelsior! Eat your heart out Deadpool
[movies/tv] Avengers: age of Ultron-vision finally revealed in new poster!
[cosplay] went to Comic Con as Hawkeye [NSFW maybe]
I wish we saw this Ronan in the Guardian's of the Galaxy movie. [Avengers #23] [NSFW]
Came across this blatant XXX-trace job on Comixology
[SPOILER] Paper Girls #2 had a scene that reminded me of this Jim Benton comic
Secret Wars -- Is Franklin going to save the day? Let's consider the evidence so
A typical, atypical cat [Monstress #2, Liu/Takeda]
After the ending to Secret Wars, this page from Old Man Logan is oddly relevant (OML/Secret
The List [Old Man Logan #1]
Clark Kent with a simple but great description of Superman Superman American Alien
[SPOILERS] Crazy full page spread from the new Moon Knight [Moon Knight #1]
[Spoilers] Negan's a smooth talker (The Walking Dead #155)
Here We Are Again! [Green Arrow #5]
Slade Wilson: Earth's Greatest Tactless-tician [Love is Love]
(SPOILERS) [The Flintstones #12] I can't believe this series made me feel so many