
Abandon Thread by /u/Zioribel
Too. Fucking. Far. Amethyst. (Massive fucking Maximum Capacity Spoilers)
So many amazing faces in the last episode.
[Spoilers] They showed the exterminator truck
Anyone else caught this? I loved it.
[SPOILERS] This is one of my favorite moments from the episode; "Are you and
[SPOILER]Peridot accidentally bought tickets to the gunshow
Get ready for the feels next week
Looking through the scenes of Story for Steven and found...
I bet the one that's actually put together is Pearls.
When you're pretending to hate something but in the inside you love it
Leaked Garnet and Pearl fusion
Badass Rose.
(SPOILERS) Best part of the episode is just her watching the tears flow
They're in such despair and agony.
Tumblr you need to work on your suggestions.
Watch new episode, scramble to put together some art
[Spoiler] Another one for the collection.
(Spoilers) New episode.jpeg
When your bottom eyes say "elegant", but your top eyes say "I'm so
I loved her faces! Can this be a new flair? lol SPOILERS!
You can run, but you can't run! [Friendship spoilers]
Sexy Amethyst
[Spoilers] Next episode's date, time and description
[SADIE'S SONG SPOILERS] Her song actually describes the image.
Amethyst Not Giving a Fuck
Five minutes into Steven universe and chill
I cannot be the first person to make this comparison... but it works so well.
Can't wait to return to...
Dance studio clothes Steven
Boy Ruby you sure look tense
Laputa Lazuli [Minor spoilers for Laputa: Castle in the Sky]
My fanart for a new Episode!
This episode had some weird faces
Height enhancing
The "key" that holds the secrets of the "Universe"
[SOILERS] Beware, SU fans. News site headlines and the general Google search page
Lars just became my favorite character after one beautiful joke in "Too Cool
I can't stop laughing at this. These clickbait "news" articles need to
Could it be?
Get your tickets! "Dogcopter: Turn off the Bark" is now playing in Empire
[French Spoilers] Will Steven's Talents Ever Stop Emerging?!
COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT... Well, maybe...
Smug Pearl
Advertisement was on point as I watched Drop Beat Dad - ARE YOU READY TO GUAC!
[spoiler] Drew Tux Pearl
To Back to the Moon Continued
How we all feel about Know Your Fusion
Google confirmed my instant suspicion: These two share the same voice actor, Dave