We Did It!!!!!!

This girl I'm friends with posted this photo on Facebook.  It's safe to say we all
My friend made a retarded face.... Have your way with it.  We sure did. (Probably
My mum did this to our boiler. We both forgot about it. The gas man came round today.
My friends and I got super high and collectively drew a terrible picture. A few days
My brother recently had knee surgery, and could not join us for a friends wedding
[SPOILER] How did we not see it coming?!
[SPOILER] I loved this quest for nostalgia...but as a priest back in BC who did BT
First time trying it how did we do?
Me and my bud both completely straight...but when she unexpectedly did this there
Pay pay pay. You will never get to see me with your eyes as this slave did, so the
Not only did my grandpa have 200 videos in his pornhub favorites, but we also found