180 Kg

F/26/5ft7(169cm)/180(82 kg) to 158(72)=-22pounds. GW 140. I don't see that much difference
M/35/93 kg/180 cm/ Not OK with my body. I hope this is a "before picture".
M/25/180/ 79 kg. First time posting and feeling good about my body
What do you think? 25/~64 kg/180 cm
[27M] 90 kg, 180 cm. Always hated my legs nipples and hair!
M 32, 180 cm, 165 kg
25m 75.5 kg 180 cm After a night out I felt sexy enough to take this photo :D
[(M) 25, 70 kg/155lb , 180 cm/5′ 10] Showing my nude body to the world.