Apple Dash

Dashed Apples [Johnjoseco]
[Rainbow Dash] [Solo] ...Apples?
oh no! not my apples [Applejack][Rainbow Dash][F/F]
Apples for the Princess [Rainbow Dash][Applejack][F/F]
and just a DASH of apple
Why can't Rainbow Dash hold all those apples?? [solo][apples] (artist: oze)
Apples don't go there, Applejack. [Rainbow Dash][solo] (artist: ratofponi)
Those anal beads look like apples [Rainbow Dash][solo] (artist: bigbuttponies)
Spilled Apples [Applejack and Rainbow Dash][F/F][comic] (artist: ratofdrawn)
Rainbow Dash feeling up AJ's 'apples' (artists: Schpog, glasworks/glasmond)
An apple a day [twilight sparkle, rainbow dash, pinky pie, rarity, fluttershy, applejack]
「Apple_Dash」/「Dark Mangaka」のイラスト [pixiv] Commission from Digital
The Band of Boob's Halloween Costumes (I see Apple Scrumper, Hardwon, Moonshine and