Cardboard Cutout

Average day at the cardboard cutout factory (x-post from r/funny). This guy is hot...
[50/50] Girl in a hotdog suit with a penis on her nose dry humping a cardboard cutout
[spoiler]The best in duke nukem cardboard cutout technology.
26. Any thoughts on the sideview? Would also be ok with thoughts on my cardboard
Keeley Donovan (and a cardboard cutout)
Keanu's reaction when Kelly Ripa confesses that she used to 'make out' to a cardboard
NSFW My friend sent me a sexy cardboard cutout of himself for my B-day
Cheerleading Kero [M Human -> F Inanimate Bunny/Rabbit Cardboard Cutout] by
How to Make Cardboard Cutouts, with Stevonnie and Lapis Lazuli