Chuck Palahniuk

(F) More Chuck Palahniuk
"The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up."
Emily Ratajkowski reads Chuck Palahniuk with no pants.
“My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy
“It's amazing what a woman will read into if you by accident, say I love you. Ten
“I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a hot-gushing, butt-cramping,
“My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy
(f) “My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my
“I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a hot-gushing, butt-cramping,
(f) “It's amazing what a woman will read into if you by accident, say I love you.
“Sex pretty much cures everything.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Choke
(f) “My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my