Count Five

Does this count as one of my five-a-day?
M/23/6'3" [286>267>259] (27lbs lost over 6 months) Counting calories
Horn on the Cob...won't count towards your five a day
[Self] So I'm down five pounds from my highest weight. That counts, right? In other
Five months and counting
Now five days in chastity and counting.
Five Shockers, By My Count
Counts as one of my five a day.
I count five pillows.
This is the last day of my five-day weekend. Let's make it count!
The last day of a five-day weekend. Let's make it count!
Does this count as one of my five a day? ? Come see what naughtiness me and my girl
Does this upvoted comment I found in r/gaming count? Context: How would you feel
I bet the body count is quite high between these five