
New to Reddit, and with a crappy camera, I present to you the best of Dragon*Con
I have been working out very hard to get in shape for my first Dragon*Con costume;
John Barrowman and Scott Gill at Dragon*Con, in what appear to be underoos (semi-NSFW)
Look at this whorediot from Dragon*Con
Mortal Kombat hotties at Dragon*Con
[m] en welcome? Dragon*con '11
Cabbage guy at Dragon Con (x-post from /r/lastairbender)
[SELF] Star Sapphire from Dragon*con
Cosplayer at Dragon*Con
[Self] My Mystique cosplay at Dragon Con this weekend (probably NSFW)
Pikachu cosplay for late night Dragon*Con
Who wants to take these tits to Dragon*Con Saturday?
[Self] Red Sonja, the Barbarian of Dragon*Con
? Reading about hobbiteses and gollum in mordor, Whitewalkers and dragons with daenerys
Elves prepping for Dragon Con (Sia Siberia and Purple Bitch) more in comments
Have you seen these wizards. They might be at dragon Con.
Fun times at Dragon Con this morning. He was such a good boy!
(self) Sith Leia at Dragon Con!
Pussy Flash in my Doctor Who Dress at Dragon Con 2019