Fire Type

Can't build a fire to save my life, I lied about being the outdoor type.
Can we please put aside our political differences and make a big deal about Frank
Australian, 6'4", Fire Type. [Face in comments]
Lets get ready for spring with some fire types! [Gijinka]
Different Type of Doggy Style (Keaton and F!Corrin)
New Fairy/Fire type pokemon
Fire type [MF] (Darkmirage + Meraence)
Quelling Fire Types [F] (stoic)
Glaceon just can't resist those fire types (Jinu)
Fire type FUCKS water type [MM] (Dacad)
Pokemon: Fire/Flying Type Leaf [F Human -> F Charizard][Post TF] - しおいぬ/Shio_Inu
Too Hot for a Fire-Type [F] (Danonymous)
Fire type in heat [F] (Crookedtrees)
When a fire type like Salazzle goes into heat, things get... Intense
Welcome to the Gym. Hope you brought a fire-type!
Hilda recieving a different type of instruction from Byleth [Boris]
Wet fire type [F] (Hioshiru)
Fire-Type Pyra [F Charizard TF] [Pokemon] by ナゲ狐犬/n_inuinu
Brave fire type [MF] (Eroborus)
Fire Type Trainer sex
fire type beat
I'm usually a fire type, but I can be water if you try hard enough.
Fire-Type Tie [MF] (blitzdrachin)
Supa hot fire type ? [F] (Thousandfoldfeathers)
Turns out fire type works on Misty just fine (boris)