George Takei

In the words of the great George Takei, "Oh My"
OH my (George Takei voice)
George Takei's gem for today (with bonus butthurt)
George Takei giving a guy a handjob (NSFW)
George Takei jerking off some guy on the Howard Stern Show.
[50/50] George Takei jerking off his husband (NSFW) | Webcam girl fingering her friend
[50/50] A gray cat being playfully harassed by four German Shepherd puppies | George
Could this chocolate "Santa" candy, seen on the George Takei-related "Oh
Reddit, what is something you've seen lately that caught you by surprise? Also, is
[50/50] A puppy steals an American Flag prompting a fst man in a wheelchair to chase
To quote George Takei, Oh my.....
As George Takei would say...
[f] hellooooooo (George Takei voice)
George Takei
George Takei made an appearance at my girlfriends orchestral concert last night
George Takei jerks a guy off on stage
In case you have any shred of sympathy for George Takei, remember that he once fondled
@pizzahut prized spokesman, George Takei (very NSFW)
Howard Stern, a true straight bro, threw his friend George Takei a fantastic 80th
George Takei BTFO