I'm Guessing

Guess what just came in the mail.  Guess who just came in his pants.
Guess how (m)any inches I am. For each correct guess I'll take 
another shot of my
Guess my bra size. I[f] you guess right you'll get another one. ;)
Guess what! Guess what! I had my first kiss :) lesbian kiss (: (f&f)
Guess Who's Tits these are? You'll never guess the name of this 90's star!
Guess who's back, back again, Billy's back, tell a frie- er...mango..I guess
Guess my age, you win nothing for guessing correctly
Guess what's in the hot dog! Extra points for guessing the sauce.
Guess what thirdlove, the app that guesses your bra size, told me....
Guess what she's doing to my cock right now. C'mon...guess!
guess my bra size, pt. 3 [f] (still no one's guessed it)
Guess how old I am. ;) Come on guess people! :D
Guess how many articles of clothing I have on. Guess right and I'll take it all off
guess guess tello tello kahan se hai yeh ?
Guess you can't guess what I'm currently up to. Hint: I'm using my (f)ingers
guess what am thinking :p ? [f]
Guess what my nipples look like for the uncensored version. Invite your friends to
Guess how many piercings I have. Guess right and I'll show you all of them. Here's
Guess the flavor !
Guess You Could Say I’ve Got Good “Jeans”?[OC]
Guess whos gotta eat 2 cartons of icecream tonight cause they got no where to store
Guess how many cocks she’s taken (bonus for guessing which holes) ;)
Guess how many cocks my wife has taken (bonus for guessing which holes) ;)
Guess how many cocks my wife has taken (you get bonus points for guessing which hole)
Guess who? mini-album to come if someone can guess right
Guess my Gf! If you guess right I'll send you her nudes
Guess who? Or maybe, guess how many?
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess what's filling up this sock? I'll give you 3 guesses!
Guess who's panties I stole? I show and you guess
Guess some people wanted to see what 7" girth looks like cumming? Guess my dick
Guess who just whipped themself in the face/neck with a 10 ft long bullwhip! If you
Guess who got some pussy this weekend? Guess who wants more?
Guess where I was in this pic ;) (First one to guess gets a surprise). Snap - ellenciny
Guess who's back, Guess who's back, Guess who's back, Guess who's back.....
Guess what color these are ;) First correct guess gets a special prize
Guess her age and give a reason why you guessed that age
Guess who I dressed up as!
Guess they’re not in Kansas anymore.
Guess how many guys I've fucked and the closest guess gets a free trial?
Guess my age. The one who guesses right, gets a cookie :P