I Used To Have Muscles

Do I have an ass at all? I do a lot of squats, but naturally I had no ass whatsoever.
M/19/6'03 - 155 lbs. This is what I currently look after 1 year and 4 months of Kickboxing/martial
Regained the leg muscle I used to have when I was a paper boy http://i.imgur.com/Zy0HwXtg.jpg
[M] 52 - 5'8" 200 lbs. My butt isn't as firm as it used to be and I don't have
39/M chronic illness (GI tract) & chronic pain (spine) have caused my body
24F, 4’11, ~120 pounds. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the past few years, and
(F) I guess some of you have waited on seeing little me like this. So it seems that
M31 280lbs 5,11. Used to do powerlifting was 100kg muscle and mostly defined. Let
185lbs in 2019 vs 247lbs in 2020. Can you believe I used to work out and have muscle?