Marina Abramović

Marina Abramovic, "Rhythm 0", 1974. NSFW, description in comments.
NSFW Marina Abramovic in her performance piece Rhythm0, 1974, in which she allowed
Marina Abramović performance artist
Naked as They Came: Eating With Nudes at Marina Abramovic's LA MOCA Gala Performance
Highlights from Art Basel 2012. Sean Kelly Gallery: “Imponderablia” Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic carved a pentagram into her stomach
[NSFW] Lady Gaga with spirit cooking expert Marina Abramović.
Marina Abramovic prepping a family dinner at John Podesta's house. Walnut sauce anyone?
Nothing to see here. Just a picture of Harvey Weinstein at "spirit cooker"
[NSFL] This is the kind of company the Clintons & Podestas keep (Marina Abramovic)
A documentation of a performance work by Marina Abramovic and Ulay
Marina Abramović: Imponderabilia. 1977