No Who'm I Kidding

No matter how old I get, I will always put my fingers in these [Who are we kidding?]
Wife sent me this! Who we kidding? No, she didnt...
Dressed up & in heels! I got called into the office today to deal with some
There's no girls here, who am I kidding?!
That face you make when your highschool dropout part time employees with 6 kids and
Gonna tell my kids this was the Switch. Who plays the switch? No hate on switch players.
(m) No hard feelings my family safe, get rich and disappear, see y'all later, karma's
42 year old retired police officer who is divorced with two kids and kink friendly
No really though who is you kidding sn,,a,,p-hitgreedy!
From a bullied kid with no confidence to a man who makes people cum online with his