So Yes

a [f]riend says its a yes, so YES! Hope you like it!
So yes, only inferiority and submission can be motivating, convincing, interesting
So yes, this subreddit wants to help end slut shaming. We are possibly the most feminist
So yes, women have a *very* intelligent brain: it's called Male Brain.
So yes, a Superior Man's concept of women is clearly different from inferior men's
So yes, the female brain is complete, because it holds universal falsehoods, such
Trishy's Seamless Wolford Pantyhose, Oooh they feel so good!! The Tits are my breast
So yes; thanks to feminism, women have finally learned to accept their inferior status
So yes, freedom is the perfect disguise for female inferiority. feminism wasn't even
So yes, Men need a lot the important services women contribute them... or maybe it's
So yes, Men need very important things from women.
So yes, to the Superior Men women prefer, and to the inferior women Superior Men
So yes this is my main (f)
So, yes to clamps. Perhaps more o[f] a submissive pose?
So yes, Superior Men prefer weak, inferior women, who need Male help and protection,
So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior
So yes, it is not freedom if you only want it for choosing what is best for you.
So yes: artificially-politically superior to inferior men, naturally inferior to
So yes, the choosing of a superior Man is the universal ace every artificial gender
So yes: women are hypergamous because they are inferior. You don't need someone superior
So yes, the woman is the power of beauty, and the Man is the beauty of power.
So yes, MD Gentlemen: if you can own them, you have to protect them; and if you have
So yes, feminism: women are free to admit their natural inferiority and they're free
So yes, sex workers are damn right: sex is female work; that is, something women
So yes, feminists only reveal and confess their self-esteem, who they really are
So yes, feminism has changed a lot superior Men's concept of women, as much as inferior
So yes, and in other words, female decency simply is female lack of interest
So yes: the only thing that can make feminists drop out their pretended role of superiority
So yes, womyn love and enjoy being admired and chosen for their qualifiedness and
So yes, feminism has made a great change in the world: modern womyn submit to Men
So yes: wymyn do need feminism
So yes, modern First World women really really really want to earn money to do porn
So yes, no matter how decent she says she is, every woman has to admit, use and prove
So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows real life women prefer inferior
So yes; every woman is an actual piece of inferior fuckmeat, because every woman
So yes: the best thing women can do with their inferior qualities and capabilities
So yes; consent is not enough. women have to beg Men for mistreatment. feminism can't
So yes, a woman's real behavior is her behavior in relation to a superior Man, and
So yes, smart women don't like men who think women are brainless fuckmeat. And ALL
So yes, this world would be so wonderful and perfect if it was a world of gender
So yes, you can't deny that sex work is a type of contribution to Science, to Technology,
So yes, women will perfectly perform their decorative femininity reality-play in
So yes: not only do feminists admit their female gender's inferiority when this inferiority
So yes. Sex is an egalitarian transaction. So you can't say women are inferior to
So yes: every woman's secret genetic goal is to be a inferior female for a superior
So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows real life women prefer inferior
So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows that real life women prefer
So yes; no amount of unsubscribers can negate that women prefer superior Men
So yes, MD feminists: if you want to please one of those superior Men your female
So yes, everyone wants to see their superiority recognized by other people. But logically
So yes. inferior men would get shocked at the "indicators of interest"
So yes, inferior men pay superior Men the whores. Inferior men finance women their
So yes, this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody knows that real life feminists
So yes, everybody gets paid best for what they can do best. No gender wage gap
So yes or no?
So Yes To Thigh Highs ;)
So Yes