The Wolverine

The Wolverine Claw (xpost from /r/cumsluts)
Me trying the Wolverine pose
The Mood Difference of Wolverine and the X-Men 17 & 18 [Spoilers! Massive
Forget wolverine, look at the hunk with the man tits next to him!  (xpost from /r/wtf)
With a little rotation of the poster, 'The Wolverine' looks like a whole different
The reason Wolverine doesn't shave his beard is revealed in "Movie 43"
Welcome to the church of Wolverine (AOU 8)
The Wolverine.
First time, please don't mind the wolverine scars
Just saw the Wolverine. Spoiler, it sucked. Anyone want to cheer me up?
Watch "The Wolverine (End Credits Scene)" on YouTube
People are talking about the return of a certain character but I was more excited
Got the wolverine foot upgrade pack after a motocross accident. NSFW
I've been doing the Wolverine training to get ready for Halloween
Wolverine & The X-Men never fails to make me laugh (Issue 38)
One of the many reasons I love Kid Gladiator (Wolverine and the X-Men annual 1)
[Spoilers] Wolverine #13 - The last page followed immediately by an ad for the new
It's about time these two made up! (Wolverine & The X-Men #40)
Listen Scott... (Wolverine and the X-Men #14)
The Wolverines
Famke Janssen in The Wolverine had some good plot
"What kind of monster are you?"...I'm the Wolverine!
The right to be mauled by wolverine!
[Spoiler(Kinda)] Anyone want to know how Death of Wolverine resolves? (Wolverine
This really ruined the gravitas of this page for me. (Death of Wolverine #1)
[SPOILERS: Death of Wolverine #2] I wonder if the name in the bottom left corner's
[Spoilers][Excerpt] Quentin Quire's Tribute for Wolverine (Wolverine & the
[SPOILER] The brilliant dichotomy of Quintavius Quire.(Wolverine and the X-men #37
Wolverine's thick dick for the NSA!
How to appreciate the best there is at what she does. [All-New Wolverine #1]
Jubilee spills the beans on Wolverine [Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 03]
...guys on the Internet, mainly. [All-New Wolverine #4]
...guys on the Internet, mainly. [All-New Wolverine #4]
...guys on the Internet, mainly. [All-New Wolverine #4]
The worst at what she's doing (All-New Wolverine #6)
[Arrow, The Wolverine] Rila Fukushima (album in comments)
[M/F/M] Ilya and the wolverines- by Strega
Yukio predicted correctly (The Wolverine/Logan spoilers)
Is it X-23 in Wolverine's outfit, or genderbent Wolverine? The world may never know
Tao Okamoto (The Wolverine)
Got the wolverine teeth
Cyclops being taught the importance of moisturizing by buddy Wolverine...
These chinless chuds are the “Wolverine Watchmen,” the Trump-loving MAGA incels
Throwback to the Scottish slut and her fat little pussy.
the Wolverine and the Bunny [MF] (SkellyDoll)
Wolverine shows Storm how Canadians keep warm in the winter
Rila Fukushima (Yukio in "The Wolverine")
Storm and Wolverine make good use of the Blackbird's autopilot (TheHormone) [X-Men]
Day 263 of Shirtless Wolverine. Here is the beautiful man who played him in the movies.