
The Girls of [Upotte!!]
Help me, they're too tight... [Upotte!!]
Sako and her Sako [Upotte!!][NSFW]
Galil AR is seriously too goddamn cute you guys[Upotte]
Galil AR is adorable (if anyone would like to take a shot at deblurring I'd love
[upotte!] Anime girls don't get flawless armpits without maintenance.
Gun maintenance (Upotte!)
Technically she is a gun. [Thompson M1A1/Upotte]
Range day [FN FNC/Japanese teacher/Upotte!!]
FNC teaches sensei how to shoot [Upotte!!]
Everyone is taking cover. Time to fap! [Sako RK95/Upotte!!]
Sexy crazy? Or crazy sexy? [Sako RK95/Upotte!!]
Sako is crazy [ Sako RK 95 TP, Upotte]
Upotte!! The anime where assault rifles have thick thighs
Combat flicking [SAKO RK95, FN FNC/Upotte]
Combat flicking [SAKO RK95, FN FNC, AR18/Upotte]
Crazy for you. [Sako RK95/Upotte]