A Literal God

My God is Literally Hitler. [X-Post from /r/atheism]
Thank God it's (f)today. Just hanging out at work, literally ;)
[REQUESTED] would literally be gods work to find more of this girl
I knew this game was sending me to hell... But God Damn! (Literally.. God Damned
Sweet mother of God!! No...really... LITERALLY!! (for Christians, at least)
OH. MY. GOD. My jaw literally dropped
I literally hate the character of Felicity but God, she is smoakin' . College photo,
God this Sub fucking sucks. It's just anal anal anal, ass-stuff is hardly WTF material.
Meg Turney's Cammy butt is literally God
Anubis's legs are quite literally God tier [Egyptian Mythology]
Everyone is talking about what a miracle it is that the cross still stands in the
God damn I’m so high and horny. One if my fav older pics, showing off my leggy
I want to suck a guys dick, like right now... would literally suck any random cock
Literally godly thighs
God forbid you say fuck, but here's some literal NSFW ads.
Literally fucking a god
God I fucking love my tits, I'm literally touching them for at least 70% of my day,
Full body. God she's literally made to be fucked!
Drew Barrymore is literally my God
Hews is literally a God and should be worshiped as so
Oh my god, Goofy is literally sniffin' my butt...
Oh my god, Goofy is literally sniffin' my butt... [F]
Literal. Male. Perfection. The Physique Of A MU$CLE GOD.