Air Bending

No wonder why Korra had trouble air bending!
[How can Korra air bend here? Can't Wan only bend one element at a time without Rava?](/spoiler)
Advanced air bending technique
I want to hear you choke and gag as you fight for air as i fuck your pretty face
My dress is a (f)air bit too short, so when I bend over: Easy Access!
rides up a [f]air bit when bending over ...
Bending over in a short dress with no panties can be (f)airly risky...
Katy Perry the woman we've been horny for for a long time is now wearing yoga pants
Bending over helps you get fresh air... [F]
[M]ay i have the opportunity to change the Tuesday temperature a bit with some Air
Air it bends air it bends s,nap_blazorwar!