Also Op!!!

Shaved off my [M]op. Also check out my fucking sweet farmer's tan. ;)
This was also posted to r/funny...it is also not funny. [auto-x-post - OP was MyBawllzAreSaggin]
OP claims to live in Canada and also Serbia, gets called out.
I got the most OP synergy I've ever had. Tammy's Head+Brimstone+Spoon Bender. Instakill
/u/op_isnt_a_faggot insisted I post this. Inspired by /u/Balloonicorn. Please don't
American Psycho discussion mirrors theme of mistaken identity in the film (also OP's
Am I meant to be here? PM your fantasies also more pics by OP ;)
Who needs morals when you could have a husband first? (Not Op, also first post here
[Funny][Dirty Talk] OP says he conditions himself to eat less because he doesn't