And That Chicken!!

That's one fine-ass chicken. And that ain't no jive, turkey.
She said I'm too thin and that I have chicken legs. Agree?
Good evening fellow sirs and madams of r/backyard chickens. May I be the first to
TIL of Ayam Cemani - a breed of chicken that is black, has black meat and bones
MRW I found out that the "Facebook Killer" bought himself a 20 piece Chicken
That's garbage! I would at least trade for a goat and three chickens. No offers lower.
Well this is a first, had a guy drive all the way over to my place only for him to
ice cream for dinner and chicken soup for dessert because that's what you do when
Little vegan meal!!! Orange juice, Hagan chicken strips and homemade fry sauce :3
Here's a pic I took earlier this year that I was too chicken to post when I was a
Showing my least favorite assets... Chicken legs and butt that can’t hold pants
This is my wife with my friend Dave (enacting a fantasy of mine). I was waiting for
M/25/5'7" [165+ > 132] Hey guys! It's me again, the 1500 calorie a day,
The creator of Cyanide and Happiness will keep fuckin that chicken