Batman Call

I just heard about this thing called 'batmanning'..
I call this one "holy child-bearing hips, batman" In case anyone was wondering
I shall call them.. swastickers.
Calling you, Batman. ; ) ([F]irst time here, better quality coming soon!)
Jimmy Olsen calling out Batman. Never thought I'd live to see the day [Earth 2 #24]
Keep calm, call Batman
I called it. Totally called it. [Batman: Eternal #52]
Hello Superman, or should I call you... [Batman/Superman #21]
[f] Here are my Batman panties. I call this pose 2-Cheeks Harvey ;)
What do you call it when batman skips church
Batman calling
This is who Bruce Wayne calls when he feels like getting slapped around by Batman.
If I am not back in a week, call Batman
So that's why they're called Dee Dee [Batman Beyond] (selrock)
@awesomeantjay Using my Bat-signal to call Batman to my rescue ?
Time to call the Batman
Did someone call (f)or Batman?
[OC] can you tell I like this hero called batman
Harley Quinn calling her next victim (Wildy) [Batman, DC]
You called Batman?