Bimbo Demon

Daily Dommes: Demon Goddess J - Bimbo Brain Wash
Ranma 1/2: The Anything-Goes Succubus [M Human -> F Bimbo Demon; MTF/TGTF][Corruption]
Dezblade [M Human -> F Bimbo Succubus/Demon Girl; MTF/TGTF] by Luxianne
Angel to Succubus TF [F Angel -> F Bimbo Demon/Devil Girl; Corruption/Bimbofication]
moooooron [F Demon & Kobold -> F Bimbo Cowgirl/Cow Girl w/ Udders
「A Man Who Became a Kuro Gyaru Demon Bitch」 [M Human -> F Succubus Bimbo;
Overseer Dee {F Demon -> F Bimbo Elf; Bimbofication} from Luxianne
Bimbo Demon Girl (yayanzz)
Demon Bimbo (lilcamk)
Triple fun! [M Human -> F Human (Brat) -> F Bimbo/MILF -> F