Bioshock 2

[EPIC MASSIVE SPOILERS] Chart Describing Bioshock Infinite
(Spoilers) Bioshock Infinite Screenshots
After finishing Bioshock Infinite
(SPOIL'EMS) The Bioshock universe seems to have problems occur on New Year's.
[SPOILERS] Attempt at a BioShock Infinite Timeline
Bioshock Infinite mega poster post! (Don't be a Dimwit, SPOILERS inside!)
Bioshock Infinite ending reminds me of this.. [SPOILERS]
Reference to Bioshock 2 in Infinite [Spoilers]
If I really had full control of Booker Dewitt, Bioshock would have turned out very
Bioshock Infinite Eyefinity Screenshot Album
(Spoiler, stop reading now!) Close Up of Little Sister in Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Apocalypse
[Spoilers] 46x Bioshock 1/2/Infinite wallpapers, all 1920x1080+
Awesome Bioshock screenshot (could make a nice wallpaper)
BioShock Infinite Wallpaper attempt
A comparison between the beginning and the ending of Bioshock Infinite [spoiler]
Slightly poignant coincidence with my Bioshock Infinite season's pass code
A comparison between the beginning and the ending of Bioshock Infinite [spoiler]
Bioshock: Infinite ending theory - resolving Grandfather Paradox & Multiple
The Beauty of Bioshock Infinite - 1999 mode, No UI - SPOILERS
Beautiful Album of a full Bioshock Infinite playthrough
Played through Bioshock 1 tonight for the first time in awhile. Made it to this point
One of my favorite characters in the Bioshock series. He was such a bro. So glad
A simple kindness. (BioShock: Infinite spoilers)
[SPOILERS] I just got done playing Bioshock Infinite like a photographer. Here are
Bioshock Infinite art direction concept
I was playing through Bioshock 1 again when I noticed this in Fort Frolic (spoilers)
[Spoilers] After beating Bioshock 2, I've just completed the entire Bioshock franchise.
A quote I found relevant to Bioshock Infinite
Possible Bioshock Infinite continuity error, or is it a deliberate early link to
Bioshock Infinite Edit (Booker & Comstock)
I had some problems understand the story of Bioshock Infinite, so I looked it up
So Im in the process of making duel screen Bioshock wallpapers. Anyone Interested?
[Spoilers!] Why injectables are in Bioshock 1.
Infinite to BioShock - An Explanation
What would the look/style of Bioshock Infinite's characters be considered?
Would You Kindly? (spoilers - Bioshock Infinite DLC) [OC]
***(SPOILERS)** Playing the older Bioshock after BAS2, and it feels like a certain
My first drawing of anything Bioshock related. Songbird and Elizabeth.
Was playing bioshock 1 (i played infinite and all of its DLC first) and I just realized
I have made something! (Huge spoilers for BioShock Infinite)
Bioshock Infinite fanart by viius
Some things I think Bioshock 2 does better than the first game.
My Collection of Bioshock Related Images and Wallpapers.
Bioshock Infinite a Retina Macbook Pro. Better than expected,beautiful as always.
This is my favorite Bioshock Infinite wallpaper. I still use it now
138 More Bioshock Wallpapers as promised. Enjoy!
HD Bioshock Infinite screenshots to use as wallpapers - Part 3
Bioshock universe narrative chart - SPOILERS ALL OVER THE PLACE